Items Never on New (znan)
Depending on topic matter or format, some materials go directly to regular shelving after initial processing. Do not use the znan location code, month stickers indicating when they were sent to the floor, or any other “new material” indicators for these items. Straight-to-znanf items include:
- Standing order or regularly updated instructional/reference series books — Nolos, Idiot’s Guides, For Dummies, etc.
- Subject area primers and workbooks – calculus 1, basic accounting, etc.
- Literature study guides – CliffNotes, SparkNotes, etc.
- College guides – Best Colleges, Book of Majors, etc.
- Market guides – Writer’s Market, Poet’s Market, etc.
- Tax prep handbooks – Lasser’s Income Tax, any tax deduction guide
- Older musical scores – Sheet music for new or newly covered songs can go to znan; send older (but newly acquired) material straight to the 700s
Generally, keep 2 copies of a serial publication. The most current may be in reference, with the previous year’s in regular NF shelving; alternatively, the 2 most recent editions may both be circulating copies. Go with whatever practice is in place for the title you have in hand.