Community Bulletin Board (PDF)
Due to space restrictions, priority is given to those materials most consistent with the mission of the Newport Public Library. Listed in order of precedence, the following types of information may be posted:
- Materials from the Newport Public Library, the Friends of the Newport Public Library, and the City of Newport.
- Postings of forthcoming or continuing educational, social, civic, charitable, cultural, or recreational activities sponsored by non-profit Newport organizations.
- Flyers, brochures, announcements, or schedules by nonprofit organizations of predictable interest to the residents of Newport, or by any federal, state, or local government agency pertaining to services provided by the government to residents of Newport.
- Materials announcing free community services and volunteer opportunities.
Items that in the staff’s judgment do not meet the above criteria, such as commercial, personal, lost and found, solicitations, or political notices or petitions, will not be posted.
Posting Guidelines
All items must be reviewed and dated by Library staff in the Administration office before being posted.
- Notices posted without authorization will be removed.
- Notices will be left for approximately one month.
- Postings without a specific date will be displayed for a reasonable length of time, as determined by the Library, and then removed and recycled.
- Only Library staff may remove items posted on the bulletin board.
- Due to limited display space, the Library reserves the right to restrict the size, number, and location of display materials. Library staff will make the decision about which items go on the tack board. Some approved items may not be posted due to space restrictions. Library staff reserves the right to select notices for events with the widest appeal; priority in posting will be given to Library events and programs.
- No postings should be greater than legal 8 ½ x 14 size. Oversized posters may be rejected due to space limitations.
- Library staff will affix acceptable notices in its own fashion. Any other adhesive will be in violation of this policy and notices using these materials will be removed.
- The Newport Public Library does not assume responsibility for materials damaged or stolen.
The Newport Public Library will not preserve, return, or disseminate any materials posted.
Posted materials do not under any circumstances imply library endorsement or consent of content, nor does the Library accept responsibility for the accuracy of the statements made in such materials.